Community Engagement and participation
Community Meeting
With engage the communities from the beginning to the end of every single project. Village residents including elders, man, women, young people, local engineers, and authorities are the driven force of the
Community project sustainability
Community Building Group strategy and approach is to help local communities with a sustainable, clean source of water that can be used for drinking, other household chores, as well as for small-scale irrigated agriculture.
The bedrock of this strategy is to help communities sustainably improve the quality of their domestic water sources ( increased water aquifer, use of wells that are effectively managed to increase water supply etc.), create alternative water sources (built rainwater catchment basins, etc.), and improve the efficient use of these water sources in order to meet the needs of water for life, agriculture, and business development. This strategy will require a multi-pronged approach based on a set of objectives and a number of activities that ultimately are related to the intermediate results.
Community Ownership their project